12 Jul Aegis Sciences Rebrands Drug Interaction Test to InterACT Rx
InterACT RxTM testing detects over 120 substances known to cause adverse drug interactions.
Nashville, Tenn. (July 12, 2018) – Aegis Sciences Corporation, a leading healthcare company that provides information to clinicians to help them make better decisions through medication adherence testing, is pleased to announce InterACT RxTM as the name for its Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) testing.
“The new name will help existing and new clients better understand how this test helps healthcare providers identify drug interactions,” said Michael Patrick, Chief Business Development Officer of Aegis.
Aegis’ InterACT RxTM combines the definitive detection of substances known to cause interactions with the objective reporting of clinically actionable information about the identified DDIs. The test was developed to bridge gaps in care associated with medication reconciliation practices that rely heavily upon incomplete medical record information. Since its introduction to the market in early 2016, Aegis’ DDI testing has changed the way healthcare providers care for their patients by objectively identifying substances recently ingested by patients – medications, supplements, and foods – that lead to DDIs and potentially harmful adverse events. The availability of this targeted information on DDIs that may be adversely impacting patient care allows healthcare providers to optimize medication management by appropriate tailoring of the patient’s drug regimen to improve patient care.
During treatment of complex, comorbid conditions, patients often require multiple medications. “Polypharmacy is a strong indicator of potential drug interactions,” said Dr. Frank Basile, Chief Executive Officer of Aegis. “Patients that take multiple medications are at an increased risk for interactions. Our test was developed to provide objective information to healthcare providers so that they can deliver excellent patient care when prescribing and treating patients who are also prescribed medications by other healthcare providers such as pain management and behavioral health doctors.”
“Insights from InterACT RxTM helps facilitate dialogue between physicians and patients at risk of harmful interactions and adverse drug events,” said Josh Schrecker, Pharm.D. at Aegis. “According to internal data, over 1 in 3 patients tested had at least one contraindicated and/or severe interaction identified between recently ingested substances. InterACT RxTM testing can play a key role in physicians’ medication management strategy particularly with respect to ensuring compliance and reducing polypharmacy.”
About Aegis Sciences Corporation
Founded in 1990, Aegis Sciences Corporation is a laboratory sciences company based in Nashville, Tenn., that provides science-driven testing and consulting services for clients such as healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, professional and amateur sports organizations, leading college and university athletic programs, Fortune 500 corporations, and government agencies throughout the United States. For more information please visit https://www.aegislabs.com/.